MMS South India
welcomes You

Medical Mission Sisters- Committed to promote healing and wholeness in the Spirit of Jesus the Healer "Drawn by God present in the centre of our being and in all created life, and in the spirit of Jesus, sign of hope and contradiction, we are women of many cultures and from many nations. We are called to be a healing presence at the heart of a wounded world, to witness to the integrity of all creation, and to build one world where the gifts of all people, all cultures, all creation are affirmed and celebrated." know more

Who we are?

Medical Mission Sisters, who are known as Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, was founded in 1925. It is an international, apostolic, religious congregation of pontifical right. It began with Dr.Anna Maria Dengel who followed her heart and believed in a God who helped her to “be for others” in the ways they needed most. know more

Our Legacy

Being international is a significant part of our heritage. Coming from different countries and cultural contexts, we discover the intrinsic unity, harmony and communion which lie at the heart of all life and develop a view of our world which is broader than the perspective of any one nation or culture.

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Our sisters are from 24 countries of 5 continents. As a worldwide congregation we appreciate and imbibe the gifts of every culture and people. We envision our worldwide multicultural Congregation as being “companions of Jesus the Healer” joy-filled, hope-filled, witness of God’s healing presence in our wounded world and thus we engage in weaving the tapestry of the new creation.
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Being women of different cultures, living in community is a blessing and a witness to the possibility of global solidarity. It also challenges each one to acquire the necessary skills to go beyond personal and cultural patterns. Due to diverse situations in which we live and are active in mission, community life needs to be flexible, allowing for pluriformity in response to different realities. Our collective intercultural experience shapes our understanding of mission and leads us to deepen the awareness of our interconnectedness and to create ways of linking and networking among ourselves and with others for the sake of mission.
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